Have you ever typed your name on Google and just see what comes up? Try it. You'll be surprised of what you find online. What might also be surprising is how many people are looking you up! This month, I had a higher than usual number of people looking for me on the Internet. Yes, I know who you are...
Surprise surprise, I can see you and your Internet activity...and you thought I was just watching you at work.
gateway1.ftmy.calltech.com []
Date/Time: Dec 29th, 2005, 10:57:18 AM EST
Type of Computer: Apple, Mac OS X, Safari browser
Comments: During my tenure at CallTech, I've set a no surfing policy for large projects. Stop surfing! I'm surprised you got through without being seen by a supervisor on Remote Desktop.
167-127.34-65.swfla.res.rr.com []
Date/Time: Dec 27th, 2005 6:29:04 PM EST
Type of Computer: Apple, Mac OS X, Safari browser
Comments: Same guy, different day.
cache3-outside-a.fw-bc.sony.com []
Date/Time: Dec 24th, 2005 7:51:13 PM EST
Type of Computer: Windows XP/2000, Internet Explorer 6.0
Comments: Probably old CallTech pals that's now working for Sony.
167-127.34-65.swfla.res.rr.com []
Date/Time: Dec 22th, 2005 9:28:40 PM EST
Type of Computer: Apple, Mac OS X, Safari browser
Comments: Now am I really that interesting? This is the second time in one day.
167-127.34-65.swfla.res.rr.com []
Date/Time: Dec 22th, 2005 6:12:12 PM EST
Type of Computer: Apple, Mac OS X, Safari browser
Comments: First time this guy searched me on Google was on Dec 22nd. Looked at other sites too.
ppp016082.dynppp.nettally.com []
Date/Time: Dec 11th, 2005, 9:23:59 AM EST
Type of Computer: Windows XP, Firefox browser
Comments: An acquintance from Tallahassee, FL. Probably bored on a Sunday morning...
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